Comfort Times

Orthopedic Mattresses

Orthopedic mattresses, designed to promote proper spinal alignment and alleviate pressure points

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2024 – Sustaining the growth momentum

2023 was a good year for the Indian mattress industry as the industry witnessed a slow revival of business after the difficult post covid phase.

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Standardization Is the Indian mattress industry working on it?

Standardization of mattresses is one of the biggest concerns for the Indian mattress industry as it creates confusion among consumers and suppliers.

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SMART MATTRESSES How will this new segment grow in India?

The smart mattress segment is still at a very nascent stage in India but what is its future in India?

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Consumer Survey

An insight into mattress buying behaviour

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Sleep Accessories: A wide awake opportunity

The sleep accessories are getting traction in the Indian sleep industry slowly and gradually in the post pandemic period.

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e-commerce moving towards one-to-one commerce?

E-commerce is emerging as the major shop for the new mattress sales. What defines this market?

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How smart tech is empowering the mattress journey?

The technology is the key driving force behind any industry in present world. Mattress industry is no exception.

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From thread to bed… How smart tech is empowering the mattress journey?

The technology is the key driving force behind any industry in present world. Mattress industry is no exception.

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Healthcare Industry : An opportunity for the Mattress Industry

Healthcare, sleep health and mattresses have always shared an intimate relationship, but it is only now that it is coming to the surface with full force

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Retail Evolution Mattress, Sleep and Beyond

Consumer beliefs and behaviors are shifting fast. To keep up with and perhaps even influence those changes.

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How home improvement sector will push mattress sales?

The complementary effect of one industry over another is obvious. But is it substantial and manifesting in the current scenario?

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How global mattress companies are managing Covid-19 situation?

The pandemic has shaken a lot of industries worldwide. Let us see how strongly, and where, has the international mattress industry felt these ripples.

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COVID-19 Impact and Recovery – A peek into the Bedding Industry

The pandemic has shaken up a lot of businesses all over the world.

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HOW to make the common man buy a mattress?

Comfort Times did a survey to check the reality, we have found that branded mattress market still has to do a lot to reach out to the common man.

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Dreaming Afresh and Big

The way consumer perceives and buys a ‘Sleep’ product has undergone massive leaps. Organised segment now has onethird market share.

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Uncovering Mattress Manufacturing

Let’s look at the manufacturing side of the mattress industry. Some new challenges, changes and platforms.

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How customisation of mattress work for the industry?

Believe it or not, the ager of custom-made mattresses and sleeping products has arrived.

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ISPF Consumer Survey How the year 2020 changed consumer preference on Mattress Buying?

A lot has morphed when it comes to the value consumers attach to a mattress.

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Strengthening your brand with new-age marketing strategies

Online marketing is so complex that marketers struggle with where to begin and how to navigate.

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Three Pillars of Health FOOD, FITNESS, and SLEEP

All for one, one for all – yes, even if one of them goes missing, the story of health stays incomplete

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ISPF is an industry body which promotes importance of sleep and role of mattress for a Indian consumers. ISPF plays very important role in connecting Indian bedding industry ecosystem. ISPF also acts as bridge between India and international players.